Our company focus on processing mineral resources: bentonites, kaolines, magnesites, talcs, trass and other.
We have access to diverse geological layers both in Europe and beyond its borders.
Within our Mineral Resources Plant Processing and Laboratory, a dedicated unit prepares individual solutions of raw materials processing to produce a compound fodder and premixes, specialized engineering and construction chemistry, bedding for domestic and breeding animals. Our mission is to create innovative solutions for our customers and make an unremitting effort to search for new applications for raw materials and exploration of newly acquired minerals. The unique value of our minerals is thanks to carefully developed products quality by the best and most reliable people who create Celpap, their knowledge, competence, experience and responsibility as well as training and certification systems.
In addition to its own production, CELPAP cooperates and represents the interests of the largest agribusiness worldwide companies, including getting status of the General and Exclusive Representative of the following magnesium oxide producers: SLOVENSKÉ MAGNEZITOVÉ ZÁVODY / Jelšava oraz KÜMAŞ MANYEZİT SANAYİ / Kütahya.
We exist on the market since 1998.
Thanks to high-quality service and efficiency, our consultants provide our customers innovative and comprehensive solutions to prepare a perfect blend of minerals, applicable both in engineering, zoological and agribusiness areas.
Our products go mainly to the domestic market, but they are also exported to the foreign markets.
Taking part in numerous trainings in management, trade and production organization, we constantly improve our staff.
In 2016/2017, the entire management staff held a unique annual training (The bullet proof manager training series).
Our advisors are assigned to a specific branch of industry.
Using the individual approach, together with the client, we give new value to the minerals.
We invite you to cooperation!
Celpap Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Czarnochowska 21
32-020 Wieliczka
Tel. +48 12 2882708